Sunday, November 14, 2010

Roman Architecture - Yale Open Courses

I recommend watching the Yale lectures series "Roman Architecture" by Professor Kleiner. The entire course is online on YouTube in a series of fascinating lectures. Professor Kleiner is one of those teachers whose own enthusiasm and love for Roman history brings everything she talks about to life.

Click below to start the first lecture: "An Introduction to Roman Architecture"

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Roman Toilets

I can say, without a doubt, that I would have absolutely hated Roman toilets! lol
It would be bad enough sharing the toilet area with the opposite sex...but the sponge really clinches it.
Treasure hunting farmer raises worries of archaeologists

A farmer has been crudely digging into an ancient aqueduct in the hopes of finding Roman treasure and archaeologists, in the hopes of stopping the farmer,  have asked for the Italian government to intervene.

More on the Collapse in Pompeii

and in the news:

Pompeii collapse prompts charges of official neglect

Saturday, November 6, 2010

House of Gladiators collapses in Pompeii

Look at link with photos...terrible. How did this happen? Was there no sign it was about to collapse?
Blogging Pompeii: Collapse in the House of the Gladiators